Saturday, July 14, 2012

Suggested Way to Wash a Cat (please don't try this at home)

 1. Put both toilet lids up, and add shampoo to the toilet bowl water.
2. Pick up Kitty. Coo and  soothe her as you begin the bath.

3. Put the cat in the toilet and close both lids. Make it fast! Of course, the cat may not understand that this is for her own good.

4. If you have to stand on the lid, so be it. Exercise for you - and a clean cat to boot!

5. Kitty will make suds and wash herself. There is a particular kind of music that cats make when this is going on - you can be absolutely certain that she is enjoying herself.

4. To Rinse - flush the toilet.

5.  Your assistent should open the bathroom door.

6. Lift the toilet lids, but stand back as far as you can.

7.  Your Kitty will run out of the bathroom as fast as possible - very clean and sweet-smelling. The toilet will smell great too!

8. Enjoy the peace and quiet of not seeing the cat for several weeks

9. Be sure to give extra attention to your loyal friend - your dog

Sincerely - Your Dog .Bert's Bath

Bert's Bath

James  Flad

Buy This at

(Obviously a joke - eh?) 

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