Sunday, May 12, 2013

Ostrich Mom shows Us How it is Done - Happy Mother's Day!

Thanks to our Mom's - and the women who serve as our Mom's.

It's a rough world out there sometimes but with our Mothers - the Mother and Child Reunion is only a Motion away!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Animals - Can I just Ask you Some Questions?

Hilarious videos from animals - who need some friends.

I had a discussion yesterday at the veterinarian when I stopped to pick up my own crazy dog - from a woman who was trying to get me to foster a dog.

Am I insane? I don't want my boy to suffer from the "lonely pet syndrome."

Anyway, these pets are all adorable and make me want to get a bunch into my home.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Kitten Stuck in a Hamster Ball?

Will the kitten get out? Will the kitten go back in?